Sunday, December 11, 2011

More Solutions!

What else can be done to stop the stereotyping? Many things actually. A country could get very mad about the stereotypes being said about them and fire back with either nastier stereotypes or argue with the people starting the stereotypes. But is that the right thing to do? Of course not! That will only start more problems and cause more hatred around the world. Not something we need! Another solution that could be proposed is to just accept the stereotypes since they exist for all cultures. We could all just laugh it off and think of it as just plain humor. That could very well work and save everyone so much time and effort but is the problem really being solved? Not really. So if we could fix it, why not?
        Americans may argue that they are being stereotypes too, so why should they only be the ones to do something to fix it. Which is true, there are many American stereotypes out there but like i said, the people in other countries saying these stereotypes don't actually believe  them because they know what America and the Americans are really like. They know that for example not all Americans are dumb, dumb people are found in every country too! But since Americans don't know much about the other countries, they could come off as "dumb". Especially since everyone knows a lot about America. So the other countries deserve to be acknowledged as well.
        Americans may also argue that it is only the uneducated people in America that don't know much about other cultures.But people in other countries know MORE about geography and culture than even those that are educated in America. The reason is because they are being taught the material in school. Not only that, but when i first moved here, girls with 4.0 gpa's asked me ridiculous questions about Canada! Some even thought it was a state! But they are not to blame, they were never taught anything about Canada, so of course they wouldn't know. Canada is something that should be taught in schools all across the USA.

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